Search results

  1. Milondev

    Searching for a Co-Owner

    Still searching after a Co-Owner It’s fine if you got no experience as well I have a retro in the works that will be promoted on TikTok and Facebook as I am willing to put money into it. Does this sound interesting? Contact me on Discord milondev
  2. Milondev

    Recruiting Recruiting staffs

    Hey! Searching after people who wants to join my staff team. I need, Admins Mods Eventmanagers Feel free to shoot me a DM at Discord my name there is, milondev
  3. Milondev

    Recruiting Co-Owner

    Hey, I am looking for a Co-owner I have a retro in the works that will be promoted on TikTok and Facebook as I am willing to put money into it. Does this sound interesting? Contact me on Discord milondev