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  1. bernisup

    Recolored Petal Patches

    So True !
  2. bernisup

    No Status :o

    No Status :o
  3. bernisup

    Please help me with badges

    Umm, I am staff in some hotel, I just need people who has a hotel and can make it so the badges can work and I would put on the badges on mah friends hotels..
  4. bernisup

    Please help me with badges

    I don't have a hotel, that is why am I asking here. ;L
  5. bernisup

    Please help me with badges

    Please, if u can code these badges, and when u done, reply. [Badge code that I would like] LTu - [Badge code that I would like] MaK - [Badge code that I would like] NeW - [Badge code...