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  1. J

    SwiftDB V1 (Phoenix) link?

    Thankyou very much j4ck.
  2. J

    SwiftDB V1 (Phoenix) link?

    I'll take my chances. I'm only running it on localhost for now anyways. I'd go live with HaddoCMS though (if someone translated it for me).
  3. J

    SwiftDB V1 (Phoenix) link?

    Could anyone post a working link for SwiftDB 1.0 please? I'm having a bit of trouble finding links that the file hasn't already been removed from.
  4. J

    SwiftCMS ★ Groups ★ Homes ★ MUS ★ Phoenix 3.9.1 ★ R63B ★ Automated Shop ★ Bot Maker ★

    Phoenix 3.7... Posting a thread just to get the 1 DB file? :S
  5. J

    [Release!] Ultimate CMS [Release!]

    Thanks. Umm... Someone point me to a working and compatible quick register? Lol Only thing I don't like about this cms is the registration. I think quick register is much sexier lol ^_^ and thanks again Causem.
  6. J


    Could you translate it please? If its not too much to ask ^_^
  7. J

    [Release!] Ultimate CMS [Release!]

    Re-upload or something? Maybe some mirrors? The file is not at the link you provided. Thanks.