First of all, thank you all for the help you offer me.
Now, I have a problem when I load the emulator (but it connects externally without problem). They are the following messages (attached)
Could you help me?
I have a question. Who I can translate the Arcturus Server to Spanish? I changed ExternalText.json (Nitro-assets/Gamedata) to Spanish Texts and don’t change the languaje.
Can you help me, please?
Hi everybody!
I have a problem when I connect to the server from run.bat It says that it cannot connect to my IP:3000 (I have the ports open correctly).
In .ini I put my Public IP (and show that), but when I put my LAN IP works good.
I’m using Arcturus
Could you help me? Thanks a lot !
First of all, I would like to thank you for the noob tutorial (I'm a bit of a noob).
I have followed the steps as you have put them, and I have completed it as you have put it, but when it comes to step 1, it gives me the following error. (If I run the .bat file it gives me another error...