I am a self-taught person who likes computers a lot, I am not the best developer, but I do my best, currently i manage my retro,
It is new and I use it with an emulator on Linux (I do not use Windows) I am quite familiar with networks having studied it I know secure and configure a...
Hello, glad you like it, for part 2 of the tutorial I am looking for a way to have a way to convert .swf and at the moment I have not found an alternative that could help me provide you with a good one. .swf or .nitro
You are right, I am currently trying to optimize the speed (disk [RAID 10] (Or without) & TCP / IP) with the operating system OpenBSD, Nginx as web server, Mariadb / SQLite as database, and the emulator starts directly on OpenBSD.
You can with this with another machine, access your server...
Welcome to you,
if you liked this title I hope you will find your happiness there,
Being a current Linux user, I got interested and motivated to want to contribute to using Nitro to give a helping hand to the curious and passionate community of any beginner, novice or professional.
I followed...
Hello, thx for the reply,
I have try it and it give an Bad Gatway error in Ngrok log, it does'nt work
I just tried again with nrgok tcp [PORT] and oddly it works correctly, I had probably made a bad manipulation yesterday, I thank you for your help Jay
Good evening !
So I develop a retro locally from my machine, everything works correctly with the Nitro client and the Arcturus emulator,
At one point, I had the idea of exhibiting my retro in online development locally from my machine via the Ngrok tool.
I am able to properly access my CMS...