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  1. CallumAtwal

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    Yeah ignore me. I just thought if it would have different sso in client. like butterfly
  2. CallumAtwal

    Beautiful/PatchhCMS Released

    Y U ASK ME TO MAKE A HOTEL Anyways I don't like it. It's mango for revcms but edited with horrible.colours. 3/10. Sorry
  3. CallumAtwal

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    When's it released? I cannot wait! Also, can it be used with uber. Will anyone code a compatible client.php