Search results

  1. DevSem

    VPS Transfer

    I want to switch to a diffrent vps because the current one is under control of someone else. I need some help setup the vps cuz my knowledge in that part is limeted. So please leave you’re discord down below
  2. DevSem

    Staff message

    Where can i change when i do ha or sa the (Message from ''hotelname'') Where can i change the hotel name. I use cosmic cms
  3. DevSem

    Furni Trough Furni

    In my retro my furni goes trough furni with wired and this stops my members from making wired games. Does someone know how to fix this?
  4. DevSem

    Some help

    Im new to this and i want to become better so if anyone could help me with these -change client language (index and me page I already have) - where to find houskeeping pin and change it (BrainCMS) -How to change the Brain logo everywhere (BrainCMS)
  5. DevSem

    Outside the box.

    When i go into my room i spawn outside the room. I spawn left up corner. How do i fix this ?
  6. DevSem

    Creating a New hotel

    Looking for someone to create a new hotel. This corona quarantine is killing me. Who s up to work hard for this and create something nice. msg me discord Sem#8992