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  1. B

    ok seriously?

    ok so basically, I changed my url on my config to my Ip address, And changed my swf's to it, and it says cannot connect to host, Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server...
  2. B

    Omg, i need help like wtf.

    Ok, so I have my client working and everything when i put my server ip as localhost and hotel as localhost. I portforwared and changed the server ip and hotel url to my ip adress, and same with the swf's. And then it says mysql cannot connect to host. so basically it doesnt let me use my...
  3. B


    Ok, i don't know if you guys know stuff about v26's cause i sure don't! I need some help with it, i just made one and i can, get on it. But my friends cant, they say it's a white screen. Here, my friend sent a picture of it. but, for me it works fine, i don't get it?
  4. B

    Big problem.

    I may sound like a newb right now, but i usally can figure this shit out lol! I made a r63 earlier, and in the client my character is white, i cant change my damn clothes. and the furniture in cata doesn't load, i tried changing swf's and shit but still doesn't work.
  5. B

    R63 problem, using revcms.

    Hey guys, hows it going i just got my hotel working, yesterday and i went onto the client and my character is white, and furni doesnt load in the catalouge, and i cant change my clothes. I tried changing the swf's i don't really know how to change them but i tried and still no fix, if you can...