Search results

  1. EchoVide

    Banned if flood.

    Hey guys, I'm using SwiftEmu revision 5 and for some reason users get automatically banned for spamming. Why is this happening and how do I disable it? Thanks, EchoVide.
  2. EchoVide

    What sort of server should I make?

    Hey, not sure if this is in the right section, so mod, please move if not. Currently I have a habbo private server up, but I've grown out of habbo and want to move onto something else. I can't do minecraft because of how shit my laptop is. Any suggestions for servers that could get large? I...
  3. EchoVide

    Recruiting Hiring co-owner for new retro.

    Hey guys! So, I've been working on getting my retro up for the past few days and all is going well, I've also been thinking about how I'm going to run it and I've realised I won't be able to do it all on my own. Therefore I'm looking for a second owner to help assist with running it. There's...
  4. EchoVide

    Emulator query error.

    Hey there, I've setup PlusEmu and I've been doing a lot of testing for bugs and what not, and I tried to use the :pickall command and I receive this in the logs. Error in query: UPDATE items SET room_id='' WHERE room_id = 5 MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Incorrect...
  5. EchoVide

    Avatars don't load as soon as I added Cloudflare.

    Hello, I started setting up my hotel a few days ago and the avatars worked perfectly fine on the CMS (Wabbo) via the avatar.php script that is included. I decided to add some minor protection such as cloudflare and now the avatars do not work, I'm a little stumped as to why this is happening...
  6. EchoVide

    Looking for a half-decent VPS provider.

    Hello, I've been on the hunt for a half-decent server provider for a while now but quite frankly I've given up now. I'm looking for a windows server, with atleast 2GB RAM, 2 Cores and 50GB HDD installed, my current budget is $50, but can become flexible. Do any of you guys know of any good...
  7. EchoVide

    Have a spare server, what's your favorite version?!

    Hey there! (please move this thread if it's in the wrong section) I have a spare server laying around and I've been thinking of bringing up a hotel on it, I'm wondering what your favourite versions are/were and why so I can set one of them up. I'm not in it for the money so I don't care if it...
  8. EchoVide

    Webhosting to VPS connection.

    Hello, I've been trying to run the CMS & Database off of webhosting and Emulator off of a VPS, but I always seem to get Access Denied for user '*' @ 'vpsip' using password 'YES' when starting the emulator. I've also added a wildcard for Remote MySQL but that hasn't seemed to do anything. I've...