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  1. Eaphram

    Poem #2 What I hide

    What I hide The tears I cry Behind everyone's back The Violence I have seen Has killed me from the inside The abusive I have gone through Has put me in a weaker matter But after all of that I am stronger then ever This is one of my favorite poems that I wrote
  2. Eaphram

    Poem #1 My love for you

    Before I begin Imma just wanna say that Imma try to post some of my poems on here and I will number each one then give the title. My Love for You Our lips can touch Our hands can fold Our eyes can meet and our love will show but what's in the heart will show the most
  3. Eaphram

    Introduction Hi Imma new so Imma introduce myself

    Hi My name is R.J. the Eaphram is my middle name please don't ask what R.J. stands for and yeah lolz. I just wanted to post a thread lolz and wanted to say Hi to all of you guys. Oh and also I am a Artists if you want to see some of my artwork I have a facebook page...