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  1. Aruthra

    How to remove my CMS exploits?

  2. Aruthra

    Feedback First Ever Banner

  3. Aruthra

    How to remove my CMS exploits?

    Someone please help me...
  4. Aruthra

    How to remove my CMS exploits?

    i"m already using IIS only brah
  5. Aruthra

    Cannot float on water [Phoenix]

    Thanks for u too!
  6. Aruthra

    Request Need a profile pic like this please

    Name: Tiny Desc: Lord at Swift Industry Thanks!
  7. Aruthra

    How to remove my CMS exploits?

    Ok so recently my hotel is getting SQL injected... The hackers just get into my database, change users's motto, mess up homeroom, mess up staff page etc.... Could anyone help me patch and remove all the exploits present in my RevCMS edit? I would give you a rank on my hotel if you help me :)...
  8. Aruthra

    Lastest Habbo SWF?
  9. Aruthra

    Help me make a retro!

    Got skype? tiny.builder I'll help ya
  10. Aruthra

    Recruiting Hosting Company - Looking ?

    I am Skype - tiny.builder
  11. Aruthra

    Cannot float on water [Phoenix]

  12. Aruthra

    Cannot float on water [Phoenix]

    I've already set it to water What you mean by "its the actual number"
  13. Aruthra

    Phoenix 3.12 [Room Error] Room Crashed

    When someone tries enters his room, he cannot. He's stuck in the hotelview. If i see emu, i get this error In roomexceptions.err file, i see this: 7/28/2014 5:11:57 PM: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at...
  14. Aruthra

    Phoenix 3.12 [Room Error] Room Crashed

    What you mean? How do i fix this bug? I deleted all the moodlights from items table. what do i do to avoid this error again?
  15. Aruthra

    Cannot float on water [Phoenix]

    Interaction mode is already set to water.
  16. Aruthra

    Phoenix 3.12 [Room Error] Room Crashed

    How do i find it? It's not my room and i also made a test room and tried to add 2 moodlights it said "Only one moodlight can be placed" Whats moodlight table?
  17. Aruthra

    Phoenix 3.12 [Room Error] Room Crashed

    7/28/2014 5:11:57 PM: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. at GoldTree.MoodlightData..ctor(UInt32 mItemId) at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room.method_25() at GoldTree.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(UInt32 uint_2, String string_10, String string_11, String...
  18. Aruthra

    How to fix jukebox? [Phoenix]

    Hello, i've followed Joe Richardson's tut for fixing jukebox but when i double click the jukebox i get dc'ed. Could anyone help me fix jukebox? Thanks Skype - tiny.builder
  19. Aruthra

    Are you good at HxD Editor?

    k thanks.
  20. Aruthra

    Hey could you please give me your habbo.swf?

    Hey could you please give me your habbo.swf?