I am looking for an active Technician support for my upcoming hotel,
This Technician has to have knowledge on what to do,
Be over 14 Years Old
Willing to work actively with Me and another owner
And to give us progress reports,
Feel Free to PM ME if you want to help
"No I am not hiring...
Hi There, I've found a catalogue and imported it onto my hotel,
I am having a problem that where I click on a furniture(etc stool) the user cant sit on it,
Any ideas on whats going on?
Hi There, I recently Brought a VPS and Domain to set up my Retro with.
The domain is hosted with Go Daddy.
The VPS is with xznetworks
Now I have set up the retro and it works with my VPS IP
But I cant get the domain to load to the VPS IP.
Can anyone help?
Hi There,
It's been a few years since I have been into retros and I decided to give it another try.
I'm looking to build a R63 Hotel that is the latest build or a R63B hotel.
If anyone could help me over Skype It will be helpful.
aaron.murphy38 is my skype username,
Hi Folks, I just got back into the Retro Business and it's been a good two years since I worked with Retros.
Everything hotel wise is fine at the moment but the only problem I have is some missing images on the CMS.
List Of My Problems
(Random Habbos Avatars are missing)
The Same Goes with...