uberEmulator, I'm going to show you how to set-up and Flash hotel using uberCMS for the Site and uberEmulator as the Core of the hotel.
System Requirment's
- Support for the .NET framework and the MySQL driver is required.
- Window's OS - 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Not bad tbh, Just need's more improvemnt, In colour's, and the edge's, Try have it like Habbo so its curved?
P.S I'm am not flaming I am just giving your constructive criticisism.
eh, I think this is humiliating yourself, and your a complete retard? I can just do this? I will post my tutorial, Because DevBEST, wan't's Helper's not selfish ruthless people like you.
Uh, sorry But I don't think your SpLaZe? For some reason's;
1. Why say your Splaze? Splaze has finished his Pixel life, he's onto other Project's but still check's into Habbo (at times)
2. Bloodline v4 SE? wtf? (Splaze released Hygrid Emulator's which I doubt you got because your not Splaze)...
Created by m0nsta - Credit's 99% to Livar 1% to me for Re-RELEASING ;)
I noticed that a lot of people are using them userbar's in their signature, so I decided to create a script to allow you to create your own without asking people.
choose a base image from the ones provided...