a. This was made by Crawl of RZ.
b. This isn't a CMS because it's using not using any kind of database to connect user's
c. Only the HOTEL itself uses a DB a FLATFILE one.
Right, 'ello Livar here.
Every time I try TDBP edition emulator's it alway's get's to the mysql.ini bit then Database Pooling Edition is not responding and It's been getting in the way of me, so any Help? And YES, I've got the MySQL connector installed, I even have the source files where my...
Haha :P
1. Right instead of "Novic" for the title, go to inc/tpl/head-init.tpl and do ctrl + f, and find "Novic" replace it with Golden.
2. Thing is first, go to inc/tpl/generic-top, and ctrl + f, and Habbo, and change it to Golden then save.
3. For the /me page go to inc/tpl/comp-me, and do a...
Hey guy's, right quick post. Seeing as I'll need to be gone. I'll update this tommorow with the features. For the noob's who can't find the EMULATOR MYSQL CONNECTOR It's already in there. So just edit your db name and password in the config file and then IT WILL RUN LIKE A BABE...
Well, Kryptos, if it's a login system obviously a register ;L I will release my iUser System, when I get done with it, and get bored of it ;P Anyway's good luck!
and just check it out, at The System I haven't worked that much on it. Just used H4bboCMS style's tbh, will edit it soon.
Wtf are you on about? You can't say it "works" it will guaranteed to work obviously. It's just that it can't be stable. Untill someone figures it out why The Pathfinder code is fucked :P Anyway thank's for this, and it will help the ones with uber Problems.
O.o, okay's. Here try this solution;
a. Go back to my tut and download the uberCMS.
b. When you've done that, go into inc/ inc.config, and do the INFORMATION
c. go into Class.php and find "web-build" and it will be like ('5032383_3bdhsads') delete that and re-place it with this...