Name: Livar
Age: 13
Gender: Male
What have you contributed to the Habbo section? (Could be in essay form, or in enumeration) Fuck you man, do you know who I am? I am thy Livar who made the first tutorial on how to make a release 61 habbo hotel retro (GOT STICKIED NIGGA=
Are you proud in...
Thing that amazes is me, is how none of you ever stated out Hang Glider. It was based off Butterfly Emulator r49 (really really old version of Butterfly, back then it could of just held under 1000 users), then Monroe and his other little Spanish/Italian putos decided to fix it up, wen't around...
if it's an infection, she can't put a filling in, lol. she HAS to take it out, I've had around 5 teeth taken out, all infected, first thing she said was 'gotta take it out'. js.
lolol, just keep moving it every so often until the infected areas show, when the infected areas show, start to push your thumb against it and the pain will stop and your tooth will soon come out
Place I went to: Istanbul, Turkey, European Side
Best place in the country(place) I went to: Blue Mosque
What I liked most about it: All the people were friendly, lovely weather, religious sightings and turkey's awesomeness!
Would I want to go back?: Fuck yes
NEW: Would I recommend it to...
No what revision, I need to know that. Try these;