SwiftCMS has been released Dylan - http://devbest.com/threads/swiftcms-%E2%98%85-groups-%E2%98%85-homes-%E2%98%85-mus-%E2%98%85-phoenix-3-9-1-%E2%98%85-r63b-%E2%98%85-automated-shop-%E2%98%85-bot-maker-%E2%98%85.24887/
Hope it helped :)
Thread is seriously pointless, there's 3 ways you could of found out instead of making a thread.
1. Check the actual site
2. Check the limehotel thread (where it clearly says SwiftCMS)
3. Ask j4ck himself.
Consider deleting the thread. facepalm.jpg
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I'm having problems with viewing the actual site it's just plain white http://gyazo.com/6b288af245c3bbae9a5b4ac9df905c5c I'm new to making retros, just started today.