Minecraft is by far better coded than Roblox lmao. Eventually how come overall Minecraft has way more players if it was more shit. You can't say a game is shit, simply because you dont like it. You can say it's shit about how bad its coded. That Roblox game is crashy and exploitable, which means...
Nice release man! Awesome. Might suggest hashing with PHP's built in functions instead, and pdo instead of mysqli [emoji14]
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Yeah man, I just took the basics from RevCMS, and then decided to make it better, I added like a tons of new functions, made the old functions more reliable etc. Their template is ok, but their coding suck. But it actually looks nothing like RevCMS at all. I implemented ajax all over it too...
Lmao quick Googling XD
You can't even tell the differences with your own words. Anyway that's NOT the differences, but just a quick summary of what they are.
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Anyway, he wrote that he had sent people screenshots of it, and that he'd send some to me, but I haven't received any yet.
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2017? That long it can't take unless he codes like 5 lines max each day. I used approximately 300-400 hours coding my PDO Ajax CMS, but well it also totally depends on how much time you use while coding. I've coded for around 10-12 hours each day the last 3 years. But according to his shitload...
Well when you act as an internet warrior slash professional coder, and you write that you go to college, come on man, nobody gave a shit about your grammar until you began acting as a complete shitload.
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I can totally read, that you don't know a goddamn thing about Skype. Anyway the kid had it coming. He's got no reason to act as an internet warrior on a forum, just because the fact that he can't prove shit he's writing.
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Who the fuck still uses Skype? Skype is shit, any decent coder know that. Download Discord or Tapatalk, then send screenies, or well, why not do it here?
Lmao release or private message, it's still on Devbest, you absolutely fucking moron.
Seriously man, have you sniffed your brain cells away, or wtf? You american kids, are so bad at your own language, that you probably score #1 "the dumbest country on the planet".