I need help with my RevCMS For A Couple Of Reasons!
1: I need help with my SWF's. I have some, but I need help setting them up!
2: I need help making my hotel an actual URL for others to join! I am using Hamachi, not a VPS. I don't know if that's a problem!
Reward: Owner On My Hotel Once It's...
I would love to have this Pack.
But the link isn't working?
Could you message me the link?
Maybe that would work?
I have no idea how the other guy got it, but no one else can?
I need help on my RevCMS for about 5 reasons.
1: The Staff Page is on the .Me page?
2: I want to know how to get the 'News Article' pictures to show or any pictures.
3. I want to know how to change the 'Enter Hotel' Button, like change it to different words.
4. When I click to enter my...
I need help with my RevCMS.
A Couple Of Reasons.
1: I need help with a link!
I'm pretty sure I had everything set up correctly, I have no idea, but the link works for me, but not for anyone else?
2: There is a couple of 'Document Errors' when I am on 'Me' Page. I've checked it a couple of...