Hello. Quick cool script, designed to count users based on number of ip's in database.
(tested on php 5.6)
Database table:
CREATE TABLE `views_log` (
`ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO `views_log` (`ip`) VALUES
PHP Code:
Oh boy just what i wanted!
I can now perform an apt-get update while i'm being spyed on by Microsoft!
(actually no, because i have all that windows 10 garbage disabled, like cortana lol)
In all seriousness this is pretty amazing, RIP Cygwin? Kappa
I've revised my portfolio once again, this time with bootstrap.
Took some inspiration from josh's portfolio (http://joshfoskett.com) for the skill tags :p
live link: http://griimnak.ml
old comparison: http://griimnak.webatu.com