When you search for Habbo old school retros on Google, FindRetros come's up as the first result "https://findretros.com/?tag=old+school" which is great BUT my only issue here is that the top 2 Retros using this tag are using it in a misleading way. These aren't Habbo old school retros...
When I was a lot younger I was bored and used to search for "horror games" - scary games cos I was bored, and on the left side of the website there was a advertisement advertising Habbo - a guy was in a hot tub with 4 other girls I was like "wow cool" and I joined from there.
When I was playing...
Thanks and I am bumping this thread just in case if anyone is trying to make a Habbo 2001 hotel. Shockwave is coming to an end so let's say our goodbyes to it.
I have now updated the thread because I've realised I was not clear enough about my steps.