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  1. E

    Should I make the switch to Ubuntu?

    Stay on Windows. Don't waste your time. Really isn't that impressive.
  2. E

    Sims 2 boolProp testingCheatsenabled true.

    Hey Katie, The cheat works fine for me on my sims 2 game just fine! Check the link below and see if you're doing everything correctly. should not even be half way down the page the part talking about boolprop testingcheats. Hope that link can...
  3. E

    [Help] Database error.

    ALTER TABLE `USERS` ADD `ip_last` varchar(120) NOT NULL Run that query
  4. E

    [Help] Database error.

    Go into the structure of your database and edit the ip_last column and set to it's default value.
  5. E

    Client loads half then disconnects.

    its saying its in the client folder which it isn't so take the /client/ part out of everything that its in
  6. E

    [Habbo] Habbo help ( NaviCat ) [Habbo]

    Ah ok guessing you just setup the same details for navicat that you used on phpmyadmin. Anyways whats wrong with your emu when you say it won't start
  7. E

    [Habbo] Habbo help ( NaviCat ) [Habbo]

    What do you mean it wont work? Did you execute your database? Did you have phpmyadmin before?
  8. E

    profile flat?

    $this->SetParam('web_build', '58_740cdda5150f14b5e2e3cf44ef1f496f/12'); replace that lol
  9. E

    Revolution Emulator [C#, R63B, Encryption Cracked, DAO, Fluent NHibernate, Lua Plugin, Mono]

    v1 would be pretty unique.. the development looks great Zak.
  10. E

    How to make a homeroom via Navicat

    ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `home_room` `home_room` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 'CHANGE TO YOUR ROOM ID' Run that it'll change everyone that registers home_room to spawn in that room.
  11. E

    Adding more Furni?

    Yeah can just extract the sql like this INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (`id`, `page_id`, `item_ids`, `catalog_name`, `cost_credits`, `cost_pixels`, `cost_snow`, `amount`) VALUES (825, 94, '202', 'throne', 0, 0, 0, 1) Just change 825 to a different ID 94 would be the rares page and keep 202 the...
  12. E

    Welcome Room

    Then add the column home_room. Typically they all do with working uber and phoenix
  13. E

    Welcome Room

    ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `home_room` `home_room` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' That will change the default home_room upon registering and change the 1 to the room ID you want. update users set home_room='roomidhere'; That one will set everyones home_room that is already...
  14. E

    [Help ccts] :(

    Don't you just use recover-cct or something and select it twice then it changes to unprotected_xxxx.cct or w.e..? How are you having trouble
  15. E

    How to change start credits on R63?

    haven't used phpmyadmin in awhile since navicat is easier but uh I think you can go to catalogue_pages in your phpmyadmin and hit insert at the top and just fill out that info
  16. E

    How to change start credits on R63?

    Just change the default from 0 to any number you want or run this query. ALTER TABLE users MODIFY credits int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NUMBER OF START CREDITS'
  17. E

    Emu don't react :(?

    either you didn't portforward correctly or you have the wrong ip's in your client and your config file
  18. E

    [HELP] Server Error With revcms retroServer error! Try doing that for starters and see how it goes for you.
  19. E

    Newest web build

    63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/679 Thats the newest web_build
  20. E

    IIS 7.5 Error

    Delete everything you have for revcms and re-extract it and put it back into your wwwroot and use helicon ape as I said and this will sort itself out using web.config doesn't actually do anything in my expirence.