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  1. jayk

    [HELP] cant enter rooms

    Is there any thing important on the database? If not, download a new database. I had the same error using Phoenix 3.11.0 Downloaded a new version, and worked like a charm!
  2. jayk

    Swift Emu - Disconnecting when clicking shop

    If it is just a few users, have them try clearing cache. Have them make new account's (will be awarded all stats back and username) Try Restarting EMU.
  3. jayk

    New Habbo clothes menu...

    This looks really nice. Has this been released for retros yet? I would LOVE to add this to be honest.
  4. jayk


    They don't fit as logo's :P
  5. jayk

    Habnut has merged with Tame! :)

    Habnut has merged with Tame! :)
  6. jayk


    Can I get a logo that will fit Devbest, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Saying Divine, red text, cursive font. Please, and thank you :)
  7. jayk


    Taking my logo as example eh? It's lobster font by the way. Was released in Graphics section by @Bleep
  8. jayk

    [Service] Forum Siggys

    These look nice, except the text. Great service!
  9. jayk

    [REL] R63 SWFs (including DOWNF4LL Catalogue v6 SWFs)

    These are excellent. If you use these upgrade to DOWNF4LL v10 Catalog, v6 is way out of date!
  10. jayk

    me and my baby xxx

    Oh I assumed from replies to this thread. Sorry,
  11. jayk

    me and my baby xxx

    I didn't even know you guys knew each other in real life. They are dating? I learned a lot..
  12. jayk

    Show DevBest Bootstrap remote Modal fix

    I love Bootstrap. Great release, thanks man! Going to try and make some fixes myself for Bootstrap.
  13. jayk

    Show DevBest [PHP] Small Explode Script

    Sounds good, don't fully understand what this is supposed to do. But, I am a nub a PHP. Anyways, good work.
  14. jayk

    Show DevBest ZipCMS [PDO][Efficient TPL System][Framework]

    Can you add screenshots so we can see what this looks like? Thanks,
  15. jayk

    [TUT] How to make r63b Habbo Retro

    Very useful, wouldn't recommend using XAMPP as IIS is more secure :P Great tutorial though!
  16. jayk

    Google Chrome or Firefox?

    Google Chrome has been what I have always used, and will ALWAYS use. People argue Firefox is faster, I have tried it. I see no difference. Also, Firefox disables you to access a few features.
  17. jayk

    My first infraction D:

    My first infraction D:
  18. jayk

    Where should I go?

    What does this mean? I am confused? Miami and Tampa are really nice places. So is Orlando, they are all 3 located in Florida. And it's close to where I live! It's affodable, and in the country!
  19. jayk


    Try, going into database find the 'server_settings' table and set 'secure_sessions' from 1 to 0. Restart emulator and try.
  20. jayk

    [FREE] Forum Sig Service

    Thanks, dropping a follow now! These are great! Thanks loads!