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  1. Daltron


    Looks like you just ripped from other peoples edits and said it was yours but good job.
  2. Daltron

    AverkzCMS || HTML & CSS || Habbo Archive

    I thought this was decent until I noticed the colors and the me/index/register all the same pictures well needs some work but anywho, Nice Release.
  3. Daltron

    [HELP] CMS editing for Phoenix

    What problems are occurring? Screenshots and text you are trying to edit snippets would be advised as to we have no idea what you are talking about. Any CMS will work with any EMU well of course besides Roleplay CMS's such as RageRP CMS.
  4. Daltron

    Feedback Habbo Joker

    i do not like it.
  5. Daltron

    RageRP EMulator

    This emulator is fantastic besides all the exploits.
  6. Daltron

    Service Custom Banner and badges

    Touch ups should be made such as badge color, smaller text in banner, and etc..
  7. Daltron

    Habro CMS

    Any CMS works with xampp, just considering if you know how to set it up or not...
  8. Daltron

    [REL] Smooth Dragons.

    I love you kylie you amaze me :d even thought you didn't make it its still beautiful
  9. Daltron

    Service Retro banners

    I don't know what to say besides. MAGNIFICENT. Good job Mig.
  10. Daltron

    [RELEASE] Staff Badges (Colour Custom)

    I am very impressed Xylo. Good job, I will probably use these on my hotel.
  11. Daltron

    habbo retro developer Don't give him time of day. @Kev
  12. Daltron

    habbo retro developer

    @ZacharyShane whats your skype?
  13. Daltron

    [Release] REVCMS / CAMMEX SKIN

    That was MAGNIFICENT
  14. Daltron

    [REL] WaveCMS 1.0 (Uber Edit)

    Shall I reopen habwave?
  15. Daltron

    Request Staff Badge

    The fact that your account says "Developer & Graphic Designer" and you cannot change the badge text yourself... Makes me believe that you are not an actual Graphic Designer.
  16. Daltron

    RevCMS - Habbo Theme Edit

    Sorry bud its just a bug if you can fix it I would recommend this to you :D
  17. Daltron

    RevCMS - Habbo Theme Edit

    This will work with R63 and/or R63B it doesn't matter what CMS you get. You can make any CMS compatible with R63 and/or R63B. But this edit has a bug when you put the hotel on maintenance it will not come off maintenance but if you can fix that then this would be a great theme for hotel's too use.
  18. Daltron

    Feedback First Attempt at a Pop Out Banner

    nice banner my suggestions would be to add a white outline, then make the blue background part go to where the pop out is. plus minimize it but besides that good job!! I hope that made sense.
  19. Daltron

    Index and Register By Johnny King or known as Nachos

    Honestly, This just looks like shit this is not heavily edited by any means. 1/10 for effort.
  20. Daltron

    Drape Help

    How do you edit the drape where it says boon on plus emulator? and how do you edit enable 102 in plus emu? like where it says habbo staff