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  1. F

    Latest Working R63B Catalog

    Hi I am looking for r63b catalog every catalog i try it doesnt work im using swift swfs and swift emu anyone got a clue?
  2. F

    Phoenix 3.11.0

    this is how my config looks ## Phoenix 3.0 System Configuration File ## MySQL Configuration db.hostname= db.port=3306 db.username=root db.password= ## MySQL pooling setup (controls amount of connections) db.pool.minsize=5 db.pool.maxsize=30 ## Game TCP/IP Configuration...
  3. F

    Phoenix 3.11.0

    But how i configured them right
  4. F

    Phoenix 3.11.0

    So i run my emu then this comes up Connecting to database...MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Aut hentication to host '' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_passw ord' failed with message: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using passw ord: YES)...
  5. F

    Global Code

    Anyone know the full code for this SET @@global.sql_mode= '';
  6. F

    Navicat Error

    INSERT INTO `catalog_items` (`id`, `page_id`, `item_ids`, `catalog_name`, `cost_credits`, `cost_pixels`, `cost_snow`, `amount`) VALUES (650003, 'PAGEID', '650003', 'samover', '1', '0', '0', '1');
  7. F

    Navicat Error

    Hello I am Having errors everytime i run this sql i want to know what to fix [Err] 1366 - Incorrect integer value: 'PAGEID' for column 'page_id' at row 1