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    [HELP] My Avatar Doesn't Load [HELP]

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    [HELP] My Avatar Doesn't Load [HELP]

    Hey all, I Have Hejula's Habbo Theme RUnning On RevCMS But All Avatars (Me Page + Community Page) Dont Load Up I've Updated The Web-Build Please Help!!!! go to To See PLEASE HELP <333
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    (Release) LightningPro Theme

    Its Nice But Not Being Rude, Why Would Anyone Want COD On Their Habbo Retro Cause Habbos Like Peacefull No Violence in a way i guess
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    Im being hacked

    I use iis, I Cant logon to my vps contact thing but i have them on skype but they are on DND
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    Im being hacked

    hey guys my hotels being hacked They change vps pass they use sql injections i use iis phoenix emu revcms how do i prevent this
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    How to view users pw?

    Dont Jump on to conclusions Your useless Tbh... Stop Twisting Things facepalm.jpg
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    How to view users pw?

    Why would i even need their accounts............. I need it sometimes to check inventory Etc...
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    How to view users pw?

    Users ask me to do stuff on their account, and a user thinks im going to scam them he said " Check your db if your owner F00L"
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    How to view users pw?

    Hey guys So On my retro When i look at db Users Passes Are Sensored like c84783nf7chj Or Something I Use RevCMS + Phoenix + IIS + NaviCat How do i view their actual PW?
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    GTA SA [Help] SA-MP Error [Help]

    Haha already got one Its great i wont lie :D
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    Favorite Browser?

    Mozilla Firefox :D
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    GTA SA [Help] SA-MP Error [Help]

    This is mainly due to samp client updates Etc Re-Download the new client
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    [RevCMS] Banned Page [RevCMS]

    i need the banned page not tv
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    [RevCMS] Banned Page [RevCMS]

    Hey Devbest Im Currently Using RevCms using HABBO THEME but there is no banned Page Could someone post one below or something thanks
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    Changing Group badge Image

    Hey i use phoenix emu vineens swf How do i change the group badge? its just a black loading sign do i needa insert like group.badge.url= or anything idk
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    Phoenix [Blocked By Firewall]

    Thanks It Worked
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    Phoenix [Blocked By Firewall]

    can i leave it on and like configure something in my firewall? to let users join
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    Phoenix [Blocked By Firewall]

    Hey Guys umm so heres my problem when i turn firewall off anyone can connect when i turn it on no one can connect
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    [HACKERS] My Server Is Being Hacked-ISH

    Im using IIS, RevCMS, Tried Blocking Him From Firewall it Failed His On A Dynamic Ip