Recent content by Yadz

  1. Yadz

    Hiring Client development...

    Hey, add me on discord Fex#4091
  2. Yadz

    Make it so they have to buy hc

    As Paylee said, it isn't coded in PlusEMU yet, nor the new version sledmore released. But I believe he said something about adding HC, not sure tho, he might have meant something else related to HC.
  3. Yadz

    [HELP] Furni SQL Error [HELP]

    Chill out bruh, thanks for telling me tho. I'll try better next time lol. Also, I did not know that the SQLs were for another emu, I were assuming it was for phx/gte.
  4. Yadz

    [HELP] Furni SQL Error [HELP]

    Just add the missing columns to the table, then run the querys again?....
  5. Yadz

    [PlusEMU] Public Rooms on Navigator?

    You will need to add the public room to navigator_publics table.
  6. Yadz


    Which PHP version are you using?
  7. Yadz

    Need Help with adding custom commands

    This command is not coded for Phoenix, so you'll need to get someone to code it for you.
  8. Yadz


    Have you tried to change hk link? He might do it via hk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Yadz


    Which emu are you using? Also it might be your CMS, change it and see how it goes.
  10. Yadz

    Session hijacking - Boom EMU

    Kids these days, you know.
  11. Yadz

    Problem with client Connection Dropped

    Are you sure that you are using the right database? Seems like something is in wrong format. Btw I'd recommend you to use boon's Plus edit.
  12. Yadz

    Problem with client Connection Dropped

    I've never used Phoenix myself, but I think there is a field called secure_session in settings table, try to set it to 0 then restart emulator.
  13. Yadz

    Problem with client Connection Dropped

    Do you get any errors? Which emulator are you using? Are you using a TCP proxy? Provide more info, we are not magicians, unfortunately.
  14. Yadz

    PlusEMU R63B Moodlight issue?

    That link was the first one that came up when I google'd "turn off mysql strict mode", so yeah whatever. I hope you found the answer you were seeking for.
  15. Yadz

    [HELP] R63B Client Issues [HELP]

    Oh, I see what you mean now.