Recent content by whyherro

  1. W

    Show DevBest [Release] CookieFramework 2- Updated & Optimized.

    How do I use this? Everytime I put it into my htdocs, create the database and go to the localhost directory in my browser, it gives an object not found error.
  2. W

    Show DevBest sUS V1 [PHP, OOP, MySQL]

    I've only just started learning php, and whenever i get everything set up all I get is Sorry for bothering you, just trying to learn.
  3. W

    Show DevBest phpacadamy php error help

    function user_exists($username) { $username = sanitize($username); return (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '$username'"), 0) == 1) ? true : false; } Try that