Recent content by ViiTactiiCZz

  1. V

    Simple Coming Soon template [HTML, CSS, JS]

    Shouldn't it be counting down? O.o
  2. V

    C# errror.

    Get the Solution Explorer which is available in right vertical tab , if not View -> Solution Explorer Right click on the Reference node and select Add Reference menu item Select .NET tab inside that you can simply select system.XML reference
  3. V

    Mysql help

    actually "I how would i list just 7 and 8"
  4. V

    Mysql help

    Why would it not work? the OP is wanting BOTH 7 and 8 not 7 or 8
  5. V


    RewriteRule ^mdelete/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)(|/)$ index.php?url=mdelete&id=$1 try that then just visit url/ase/mdelete/id ?
  6. V

    [PHP] Problem with login

    <?php if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { ?> You are already logged in <a href='logged.html'> Go!</a> <?php } // That bit of code checks if you are logged in or not, and if you are, you can't log in again! if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $mail =...
  7. V

    [PHP] Problem with login

    Try if(isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { die("You are already logged in! <a href='logged.html'> Go</a>"); } // That bit of code checks if you are logged in or not, and if you are, you can't log in again! if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $mail = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); // The...
  8. V

    [Dev/Rel] Dark Realms- 8 bit MMORP [WebSocket/HTML5/Javascript]

    I shall create a game called DarkScape and call it my own code :D
  9. V

    Help With PHP?

    do something like $id = $_GET['id']; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "'"); while($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { echo $news['content']; } then visit page.php?id=IDHERE and it should display the article its also a $_GET
  10. V

    Help With PHP?

    using a while? :L $query = query here while($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { echo $news['title']; }
  11. V

    Xbox Live h4ck3d
  12. V

    Xbox Live h4ck3d

    im gonna guess they made a script to generate the "logins" based on publicly available emails?
  13. V

    Recruiting Retro Ville needs someone to build us a custom cms!

    what emulator are you using, and can you give me the user_items structure?
  14. V


    Check here :P