Recent content by Spoderman

  1. Spoderman

    toot toot

    toot toot
  2. Spoderman


  3. Spoderman

    Latest Habbo Index [BASED ON NEW SCREENSHOTS] [RevCMS]

    Great release as usual Francis, looks fine on my screen :) No he doesn't, you just need a little common sense to change the skin paths to the right path in the index.php file.
  4. Spoderman

    [New] Habbo Camera

    Here you go. INSERT INTO `furniture` (`id`, `public_name`, `item_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`, `can_stack`, `can_sit`, `is_walkable`, `sprite_id`, `allow_recycle`, `allow_trade`, `allow_marketplace_sell`, `allow_gift`, `allow_inventory_stack`, `interaction_type`...
  5. Spoderman

    File Uploader for v26

    Pretty simple, however they would still need to add the furnidata and then sqls.. I have one that does everything, puts the text onto the bottom of thr furnidata and puts it inside a catalogue page.
  6. Spoderman

    [Release] RevCMS - Verse Theme & VerseASE

    Maybe if you read the README file when downloading it would tell you what you need to do in order to see the other tabs.
  7. Spoderman

    Need help with some Code

    Try this code: $getBadges = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_badges WHERE user_id = '" .$member['id'] . "' AND badge_slot >= 1 ORDER BY badge_slot DESC LIMIT 5"); while ($b = mysql_fetch_assoc($getBadges))...
  8. Spoderman

    Help me understand this song

    Funniest music video I've seen.
  9. Spoderman

    How To Make A R63B Habbo Retro With Latest UI.

    You all must be doing it wrong, mine works perfectly.
  10. Spoderman

    GTA V scratched disk

    There is no way to install it for free. There is no way to get it fixed for free, besides gently rub it in toothpaste, wait a few minutes then wash it off and dry it with a soft cloth (Not anything like a polo shirt)
  11. Spoderman

    What Happened to Devbest?

    The FAMUS KODER Bille Bowles hacked into the forum and decided to troll everyone :'( He made a deal to give the forum back if we subscribe to his YouTube channel. huehuehuehue The XenForo instance was being upgraded and a new theme was added :D
  12. Spoderman

    Make a brownie in a cup. Seriously, really easy!

    Can I just ask why the video is unlisted? o.O
  13. Spoderman

    Post your desktop!

  14. Spoderman

    [Development] R63 RP

    Downloading wouldn't make an emulator crash. Therefore your point is invalid. Yes we all have our opinions, but take my opinion into mind as you created this thread asking for ideas, I am simply implying some ideas to your little slowly developing brain :) But I'm guess I'm going off topic...
  15. Spoderman

    [Development] R63 RP

    I suggest creating a theme that isn't made from Bootstrap as you have made Bootstrap look shit, when it can be edited and made much better. Also maybe make the Emu stable before releasing it, (Stable as in - can hold a steady 30+ without a crash) I've been on Nation and it's buggy, fix shit or...