Recent content by ShockRetros

  1. ShockRetros

    (Fixed) Plus EMU Fatal error Help

    Thanks Alot bro it's sorted now i located it down to a room bug which was glitched due to ad_background
  2. ShockRetros

    (Fixed) Plus EMU Fatal error Help

    Okay guys I'm trying to start up my emulator and getting this error could somebody help
  3. ShockRetros

    [HELP] 3 Problems, Loading text

    variables or texts not sure which one pretty sure its variables
  4. ShockRetros

    [PlusEmu][Mango Theme] Client stuck at 76%

    I'de recommend going to ***** com clicking plus emu and downloading there swfs the file is swf not swfs so you will have to change that when your linking swfs
  5. ShockRetros

    Client error

    Can you post a paste bin of your 'external_varibles', 'External_override_varibles' and client.php
  6. ShockRetros

    [HELP] 3 Problems, Loading text

    External varibles, External texts (for texts) your main swf file 9/10 its Habbo.swf (for images)(use a swf decomplier)
  7. ShockRetros

    [HELP] Public room navigator reloads

    Okay problem could be caused my empty collum if you want to remove the problem assuming your using Plus EMU remove the public room load your retro click your avatar icon at the bottom left click my rooms enter a room and type :update navigator hope this helped
  8. ShockRetros

    Help? 2 simple things to fix!

    The sql will only change the users already registered... for users that haven't registered yet in the design table set the default to your room id and click save as for the new's is your skin actually called habbo because if your using a skin with a different name it will not load you need to...
  9. ShockRetros

    [PlusEmulator] - Floor Plan Editor + Moodlights

    1. navigate room_items_moodlight 2. right click click design table 3. navigate enable 4. change the type to INT 5. click save Reload hotel and your fixed
  10. ShockRetros

    New Info Bus 2017 (for plus emu with floor plan editor)

    info bus 2017 why i released: Well i remember being able to make info bus's through ads's background, However I've being trying to make one on plus emu but couldn't find the room module for floor plan so here it is Images: floor Plan: How to use: 1. Okay, so there is going to be floating...
  11. ShockRetros

    [Release] RevCMS Heavy Edit

    So man bugs