Recent content by RapidShare

  1. RapidShare

    RapidShare - Simply Smart

    We would rather that you didn't use the name, logo or alterations of Rapidshare AG as your projects name. Cheers, Emma
  2. RapidShare

    RapidShare - Simply Smart

    Hi, We'll be posting screenshots when they become available. We're expecting to have a working release in a couple of weeks.
  3. RapidShare

    RapidShare - Simply Smart

    Hi there, Yes we're reopening our .com, .de and .tv domains later this year. Hope this helps. Website will be up when we launch our BETA, our BETA will be launched April 2019. We're launching an open BETA April 2019. It is a development thread, we'll be posting our updates here.
  4. RapidShare

    RapidShare - Simply Smart

    Welcome to the official Development Post for RapidShare, The showcase thread is here. Development started in February 2016 with the feedback from previous users/customers in mind. RapidShare was taken over by Kingsley Corporation in December 2015 with the thought in mind of bringing back a...
  5. RapidShare

    Show DevBest RapidShare

    Development still on-going. We're almost ready to launch the BETA of RapidShare. Currently: Fixed some bugs with images not loading on the website. Website has been redesigned and version 3.3.0 of the File Manager has been launched. There isn't any physical changes to the file manager except...
  6. RapidShare

    Show DevBest RapidShare

    We're having some issues with our servers. We're trying to identify the issue.
  7. RapidShare

    Show DevBest RapidShare

    Sorry for the long-awaited reply. With our revamp of RapidShare we can prove that we are still good and that we can still change the world of File Sharing. We're happy for this revamp and we can't wait to show everyone.
  8. RapidShare

    Show DevBest RapidShare

    RapidShare removed the free hosting service in May 2013. After a long decline of users we stopped our services March 31st 2015. We have decided to reopen with a rebrand of our website bringing back its free service and premium service. Introducing our Cloud Synchronization, iOS, Android and...