Recent content by PzSam

  1. PzSam

    How to fix this (phoenix Emulator)

  2. PzSam

    Loading Roles...Failed to boot, key not found.

    ALTER TABLE `permissions_users` ADD COLUMN `cmd_dance` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_rave` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_roll` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_control` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN `cmd_makesay`...
  3. PzSam

    [R63] White avatars/characters [R63]

    Jay the awesome coder xD the one who had his ip visible on his hotels client, smh.
  4. PzSam

    How to fix this (phoenix Emulator)

    Idiot? this "idiot" took down your shitty hahahaha and you threatened to call the Police, you fucking skid.
  5. PzSam

    Loading Roles...Failed to boot, key not found.

    Hey can someone tell me how to fix this please?
  6. PzSam

    Request Habbo Badges [Custom]

    Abit too many badges, looks messy if every different rank has a certain badge, so I just made you 1, hope it's ok :}
  7. PzSam

    [R63] White avatars/characters [R63]

    I've had the same problem before @JayCustom lol, clearing cache wont do much, it'll just be exactly the same, fucking skid.
  8. PzSam

    How to fix this (phoenix Emulator)

    Because you've deleted something in your database.
  9. PzSam

    (HELP) AcidRP Emulator

    Dumb handing out your database pw lol
  10. PzSam

    [R63] White avatars/characters [R63]

    Your SWF's aren't set up properly.
  11. PzSam

    Video Worthless fucking scum.

  12. PzSam

    Moving to R63B

    Hey, anybody with experience want to help move my hotel to R63B? I have a stable emu, the SWFS, a clean DB & new CMS, i am willing to pay a decent amount of money if you're able to do that for me, hmu on PM, that would be great. Thanks
  13. PzSam

    How to Code Customs

    This is a sweet tutorial. 10/10
  14. PzSam

    Shells Missing?

    Doesn't exist in my external_variables .... ffs, can you give me the code to re-add it please Jay? I would appreciate that, thanks.
  15. PzSam

    need vps protection offer VPS DDoSS protected IP's