Recent content by Purid33

  1. Purid33

    Flash HabboH - We're back! - R63B - Stable - Dedicated Hosted - DDoS Protected - Free VIP!

    I remeber HabboH, though it didn't ever average more than 150+ users. I believe it was running around when R59-R61 was the popular revisions. It was definitely a top 5 hotel.
  2. Purid33


    It was the original, the first. His creation... also it averaged an usercount of about 40-50+ and peaked 105+ users after a merge with (Turkish Hotel). Do some research and get back too me lad.
  3. Purid33

    ★ Fuse ★ New UI ★ r63B ★ Custom CMS ★ Now Hiring! ★

    I checked it out, nothing too special. You need to figure out a way to get people to want to join your hotel. There's 500 other hotels who provide the same exact thing your hotel provides.
  4. Purid33


    This isn't the real Habwave lmao. The original Habwave domain was "" and was founded, ran, and operated by @Sarbaz.
  5. Purid33

    Flash Wubbo Hotel - The place that you want to be!

    It'll be rather very difficult to get your usercount back if you're using a name like "Wubbo". There's been too many hotels by the name since the R57 days. In my own valued opinion, I'd recommend using a fresh new name. Something unique.
  6. Purid33

    ... @Brad

    ... @Brad
  7. Purid33

    Can I have the Sarbaz account back? Or atleast give me the emajl registered with the account so...

    Can I have the Sarbaz account back? Or atleast give me the emajl registered with the account so I can reset the password.
  8. Purid33

    How long does Habbo have left?

    I've been playing Habbo & Habbo retros since the famous/well-known Version 26 (v26) was being used. I was introduced to retros around 2007-2009 (I can't quite remember), but retros were making big numbers. Take some of these retros for example, Habplus (managed to hit 2000+ users at one point)...
  9. Purid33


    Next few hours my ass.. this is a false development.
  10. Purid33

    MoonPHP ~ The most advanced Habbo CMS as of 2015

    What happened to all the other projects you were developing? ..
  11. Purid33

    YABLOW.CO.UK ★ 24/7 ★ Custom Commands ★ RevCMS★ R63 ★

    R63 is out of date, I suggest you move on the the R63B - doesn't need to be the version with the latest crypto but atleast consider moving to Plus Emu r1 and find a legit emu developer to help you stabilize it and fix the bugs. :D
  12. Purid33

    Can I have my Sarbaz account back?

    Can I have my Sarbaz account back?
  13. Purid33

    [Release] Habbo Badge Archive [updated hourly]

    This is HabboEmotion ...
  14. Purid33

    Feedback Some more Habbo Graphics by Iggy

    By far the best Habbo Graphics artist I've seen yet. What's your Skype?
  15. Purid33

    Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    Truth is treason in the empire of lies.