Recent content by Pure

  1. P

    Please Help UberCMS 2 Client Disconnects*

    Have you ran all upgrades to the database before running the emulator? got a new error System.ArgumentException: Column 'vip' does not belong to table ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `vip` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; If you get any more errors, try changing that.
  2. P

    Please Help UberCMS 2 Client Disconnects*

    "System.ArgumentException: Column 'hide_online' does not belong to table ." ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `hide_online` enum('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; Needs to be ran aswell.
  3. P

    Is There Exploits In Obbo's CMS?

    Yes, it's called the internet.
  4. P

    Confusing request

    Yeah, it's called research.. How about you google, basic if statements and header redirects. :-) Oh look.. links inbound: Don't leech, learn. :)
  5. P

    Access Forbidden Error?

    As it says, I suggest you contact your webmaster postmaster@localhost ;)
  6. P

    [IIS7] RevCMS 403 - Forbidden [VPS]

    It's not as simple as that.
  7. P

    [IIS7] RevCMS 403 - Forbidden [VPS]

    I really think you need to have some common sense for this one.. Make sure you have all the applications (PHP, mod_rewrite(or the IIS variant) ), that could be throwing a "403.3". Is there a web.config that comes with the CMS
  8. P

    Post your PC spec

    ^ Like a boss.
  9. P

    Post your PC spec

  10. P

    [IIS7] RevCMS 403 - Forbidden [VPS]

    Make sure you have PHP installed on that server, and also add all the rewrites into that server. See screenshot below.
  11. P

    Cant access TheHabbos

    Or you could run OpenDNS, then Flush your DNS.
  12. P

    [PHP]How to use 'if() and else' statements[TUT]

    I fixed some PHP errors on the thread. xD
  13. P
