Recent content by Miramba

  1. Miramba

    How did you find Habbo or Retros

    Friend in the 6th grade back in 2011 told me about Habbo, we went on and "pretended" to rob a McDonalds on there. Spent a few bucks on credits, and got fed up having to pay $20 for some credits to buy a chair. Googled free habbo credits (I was 12) and found HabPlus. Great times, brings me much...
  2. Miramba

    RevCMS [Edited]

    Screenies don't work
  3. Miramba

    How to build a UberCMS Hotel (R63) (Phoenix EMU)

    Databse Error...Duplicate table in the cmd.masspixels Error SQL query: ALTER TABLE `permissions_ranks` ADD `cmd_masspixels` enum( '1', '0' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; MySQL said: #1060 - Duplicate column name 'cmd_masspixels'