Recent content by Micronic

  1. M

    Introduction Hi! I'm New.

    Welcome to DevBest :)
  2. M

    Anyone got a Server?

    I prefer Creative Servers personally. If you do then let me know. Personally I'd advise you to use a dedi but if you have no idea or experience with them try beastnode.
  3. M

    Runescape Private Server.

    I'll do this, but I'd want to be paid and not working alongside you as I have no interest at all.
  4. M


    Nice work man!
  5. M

    [RevCMS] New Habbo Theme!

    Nice work!
  6. M

    Ideas thread [Post your ideas and see them happen]

    Userbars. I've seen these on numerous forums and they look pretty good in my opinion.
  7. M

    Anyone got a Server?

    I used to help run a fairly average server of around 30 people active at one time. But unfortunately left due to exams. Anyone play and run a server? If anyone needs any help I'm free as I've got some time on my hands :)
  8. M

    Introduction Evenin' all

    Thanks bruvaaaaaaaaaaaaa Cheers all!
  9. M

    Rainbow Dino v2.0

    Don't like it sorry, doesn't look 3D either, work on shading.
  10. M

    Introduction Evenin' all

    Where do I sign up? :)
  11. M

    Introduction Evenin' all

    Thanks and lol certainly Fapper.
  12. M

    Introduction Evenin' all

    Hello there, I'm Jordan, 16, and currently learning VB4. I know Xephos from here and I saw him browse the forum today whilst arguing in the shoutbox with some motion guy haha! So yeh, I'm terrible at introductions but hey! Jordan