Recent content by Luig

  1. L

    My RP I dont know Link Yert

    I am Using Rata's DB And CMS I have Some Probelms When I try to Inport Rasta's DB It Says id` INT( 100 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `username` TEXT NOT NULL , `appstatus` TEXT NOT NULL , `age` TEXT NOT NULL , `country` TEXT NOT NULL , `timezone` TEXT NOT NULL , `realname` TEXT NOT...
  2. L

    Habbo Pre-Hosted Dcrs!

    Weren did u post the dcrs i didnt see them
  3. L

    Habbo Pre-Hosted Dcrs!

    Ok Ill try look too Just if people ask for them say go to Post's merged - Kieren
  4. L

    Habbo Pre-Hosted Dcrs!

    Can you release some rp ones please Thanks Conor
  5. L

    Hard to decide!

    Get a mic first fk the mat pack ha :)