Recent content by Lemon

  1. Lemon

    [Help] Client Auto-Disconnects @ 70-95%

    The error logs remained empty ._.
  2. Lemon

    [Help] Client Auto-Disconnects @ 70-95%

    I changed %predefined% and back again to try both ways. This does not fix my problem with the client being black and the emulator receiving the connection. as said before: Recieved message 4000 Client connected.. Release63-201211141113-913728051 recieved message 2996 Connection recieved, lets do...
  3. Lemon

    [Help] Client Auto-Disconnects @ 70-95%

    They are all setup correctly to my knowledge. The only thing I see that may be a problem is %Predefined%. Do I put my IP there? EDIT: Problem fixed, In config had a t after .com. Now im getting a black screen on client but on bstorm im getting: Recieved message 4000 Client connected...
  4. Lemon

    [Help] Client Auto-Disconnects @ 70-95%

    Browser Cache? if so, i've done that already. Bump - Urgently need help.
  5. Lemon

    [Help] Client Auto-Disconnects @ 70-95%

    I use RevCMS Habbo Skin. I use BcStorm EMU When connecting to the client, it loads up to 95% and then just goes to the disconnect page. In console on google chrome, This comes up errorCode = Failed to download localization habboflashclient.js:1...
  6. Lemon


    Hiya, I have a hotel and on the client it has the logo of another hotel. I tried to import a new picture into swfmodify, but it wont import it, if i click import, the picture just stays the same :[ Please help.
  7. Lemon

    Good code names

  8. Lemon

    [Habbo Retro] Page Link

  9. Lemon

    [Habbo Retro] Page Link

    Hello, With the new release of Phoenix 3.7.1 came out a new feature called page_link_desc ect. I was fiddling around with this new addition and I don't know how to make it go to that Link. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks
  10. Lemon

    Help- Home room & Guide Bots

    Hey there! I was wondering how to make a room your home room and looked around in tables and couldn't find anything. I also need to know how to edit the Guide bot's Speech as it says Haboon instead of my retro name. Thanks!
  11. Lemon

    Help with Housekeeping

    I'll try that, thanks very much EDIT: I actually found it in the CMS_Settings table, thanks anyways.
  12. Lemon

    Help with Housekeeping

    My housekeeping was put on maintenaince and then when I went to the HK link, it came up with maintenaince. How via the VPS would I be able to turn the maintenaince off?
  13. Lemon

    Hosting CMS

    Also with that, on our VPS it came up with a 403 Error which was probably caused by IIS. But if anyone can help with IIS and stopping the 403 - Forbidden Error that would help too.