Recent content by KristenB

  1. KristenB

    Yes, how long will this take? And how do I know for sure? Do you have another account I can message

    Yes, how long will this take? And how do I know for sure? Do you have another account I can message
  2. KristenB


    If I get a VPS what do I do next? If I get a VPS what do I do next?
  3. KristenB

    Are you able to help create my retro if I purchase VPS?

    Are you able to help create my retro if I purchase VPS?
  4. KristenB


    If someone can help or make me a retro for payment would be appericiated! Macbook friendly as I've tried these steps but macbook is difficult for a noob like me!
  5. KristenB

    Can somebody help make my habbo retro? Payment

    Willing to pay $20 dollars through pay-pal for someone to create me a habbo retro & they can have staff position. I am unable to make my own retro as I have a macbook and my firewall blocks files, plus I am totally clueless how to code, but have always wanted to own and run my own retro.