Recent content by iMap

  1. iMap

    [Request] Computer building company logo

    Can you do something like this?
  2. iMap

    [Request] Computer building company logo

    yeah, but can the text be in a bigger, bolder and more rounded font?
  3. iMap

    [Request] Computer building company logo

    Hey, I'm making a website for a friend that build custom gaming computers and I'm in need of a logo for the website, the company's name is called T Quad Gaming PCs Thanks :)
  4. iMap

    Recruiting Looking for someone to run hotel with.

    ... Me neither until I stumbled upon a forum that is no longer operating, and I got you sarcasm. :P
  5. iMap

    Recruiting Looking for someone to run hotel with.

    No, it's a private server type deal.. Like buy a VPS and domain, its bigger than Steam
  6. iMap

    GFX Designs And Logos Service

    They're both really great! I like them a lot :) could you email me, its about your service. It's [email protected]
  7. iMap

    [Service] User Bar Sig.

    Can I still get one? Text 1: iMap Text 2: Color: Light Green plz Thank you :)
  8. iMap

    Recruiting Looking for someone to run hotel with.

    If the opportunity is still up for grabs please send me a message!
  9. iMap

    Hey, could you help me set up a forum?

    Hey, could you help me set up a forum?
  10. iMap

    Problems with MySQL

    Hi, I'm currently trying to set up a TangoBB bulletin board on my website and it's asking for info about the MySQL database. It's asking for: MySQL Host: (Have it, and it's correct) MySQL username: (This one is correct also) MySQL password: (which is I have) and then here is where I started...