Recent content by HotelCrazy

  1. H

    Recruiting Funding a Hotel

    Hello I'm looking to fund a retro, the reason why am looking to fund a hotel is I want to get back on Retros. I had experience setting up v26 hotels, before R60's, and information changes alone with that. I'm not here to make money (selling vips. etc) I just want to get back into retros and...
  2. H

    Battlefield Xbox vs PC graphics

    Do people hook up their xbox to their PCS?
  3. H

    Feedback Habbos NEW UI

    Hey. Habbo is coming out with a new UI layout. I think its worse, Habbo needs to go back to the drawing board. What do you think? Like it? Love it? Ugly?
  4. H

    iOS 7

    I GOT iOS 7!!!!
  5. H


    I personally would set a hotel up myself. Knowledge is power. ..and CMS = Content Management System
  6. H

    Sulake shuts down a pirate Habbo software distributor.

    The fact is, does Sulake have money to take down other websites.
  7. H

    PC Help with minecraft server

    Most important!!! Check if your ISP allows you to portforward. Mine doesn't allow it, I'd have to upgrade.
  8. H

    PC Plugin Help

    Hey. I need some assistance with plugin "PlotMe". I'm trying to get it in all one world (Not using Multiverse). If anyone would kind to help me with installing this plugin, please reply below! Thanks!
  9. H

    PC Simple Color selection.

    Get rid of the "<>" (Looks alot nicer) and speaking of colours, anyone know why my groupmanager isn't showing colours? (Private Message me please)
  10. H


    LAWL! You assume. I'd help. It's a small server for now, and maybe theirs enough people then I can upgrade. Dedicated Memory1024mb Recommended Slots1-24 StorageUNLIMITED BandwidthUNLIMITED
  11. H


    Hey. I'm putting together a hungers game server and I need about 2-3 arenas. If you want to help me build them, you can be a mod. Anyone interested?
  12. H

    Recruiting Minecraft Builders.

    Lawl! Is it a mature server? only I asked is because of your spelling :) "Aplication Form:"
  13. H

    PC Hunger Games Server

    Hey. I'm thinking of creating a hunger games server for Minecraft and I haven't played Minecraft for such a LONG time! I just need help on plugins, if you can set/main them, then you can have full op (admin) rights. (I can set up the permissions, I know that :D) Private Message me if...
  14. H

    PC Thinking of starting a..

    I am going open a Minecraft server, If anyone wants to pitch in with the plugins, then Private message me :)
  15. H

    Video Dad punches son in the face.
