I now have a charging dock for my ps4 controller and a black charging cable for headphones/ getting new mouse pad soon, only cable in sight is the main power cable
Good day,
I am working on opening a rp server. i am looking for a front end and a backend developer, we have a great team, and a great platform too work on, already have amazing features contact me for more information
Side note if you are not interested in becoming a developer do not respond...
Here are the logs
And yes every port is open, i have confirmed on canyouseeme.com, and downloaded a port listener too further confirm it
I have checked the console on the client, and for a 10th of a second it shows https://prnt.sc/1tyxvoi
I have now gotten the emulator too start and be stable, but for some reason or another it will load too 100% then disconnect within 2seconds of loaded, any suggestions?
You are correct i replaced my real server IP address for the screenshots, i have ensured that the IP address is correct, also tried using, and
I updated the thread in thought of your response. I am trying too setup a pack that i gotten from someone, the original developer has not seen this error, and not able to come with a solution, same with other developers. Therefore i believe your comment was redundant. No offense Intended. If you...
Good Day Gents,
I am trying too setup a custom version of Plus Emulator, and i am having an issue when trying too set it up, i have had a few people look at it, Here is what the error is
The Error Says These Three Places,