Recent content by Flizzy

  1. F my account was suspended?

    Alright i took the voting off the index page
  2. F my account was suspended?

    Oh i use Illumina CMS it brings straight to the voting page i guess thats why
  3. F my account was suspended?

    i was just wondering why my account Flizzy on the habbos was suspended?
  4. F

    [HELP] HK Wont let me log in

    So today i went to go onto my housekeeping and its not working yesterday it was working perfectly fine now it just reloads the login page everytime log in
  5. F

    Ban page help

    like instead of the habbo theme one of the others like mango and stuff?
  6. F

    Ban page help

    yeah, phoenix
  7. F

    Ban page help

    <body bgcolor="#000000"><table width="900" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="center" style="border-radius:10px; padding:15PX;"> <tr> <td><font style="font-size:36px; font-weight:500; color:#F00; text-align:center;" ><center><br />You're banned!<br /></center></font></td> </tr>...
  8. F

    Ban page help

    Hello i am using RevCMS and the ban page makes it seem like its a perm ban it will not load the session properly does not tell them when the ban is over just tells them "You're Banned" can anyone give me a hand with this?