Recent content by Evo

  1. Evo

    I don't use skype ATM. You have any other social media such as facebook, kik messenger etc..

    I don't use skype ATM. You have any other social media such as facebook, kik messenger etc..
  2. Evo

    Recruiting Seeking a Developer

    Hi, As you know, Since its it the title. Im looking for a Developer for my RP.. Im looking for a Developer who can code (Obvious) And know how do things correctly. If you're interested private message me
  3. Evo

    Stuck at 76% plus emulator

    @gustavcheckone i have this problem yesterday. I found a fix. This is what you do. Steps Go to Client and push F12 Then go to Console After you went to console you reload page and leave console open. Then you find a error (Tell me this error). Most likely it probably your habbo.swf file so this...
  4. Evo

    (HELP) Client on 76%

    Hey, I been having problems with my clients being stuck on 76% im wondering how can i fix this as this been a problem to me all day. I have tried everything.. Can we sort this through PM/ or teamviewer please tell me how fix this thanks