Recent content by erkz

  1. erkz

    Habbo retro with BB, Snowstorm and WS

  2. erkz

    [RELEASE] AzureEMU - Fixed (R63B, MySQL, Horses, Battleball, SWFS)

    I don't care, I don't want more :) I want Battleball, snowstorm etc :)
  3. erkz

    [RELEASE] AzureEMU - Fixed (R63B, MySQL, Horses, Battleball, SWFS)

    Does anyone have these files? Thanks
  4. erkz

    Habbo retro with BB, Snowstorm and WS

    But which server, cms and dcr shall I use?
  5. erkz

    Habbo retro with BB, Snowstorm and WS

    Does anybody know which files I need to create a retro hotel with battle ball, snowstorm and wobble squable? I have a domain and web hotel, and I can open ports. Please help me, want to have something to do in this Christmas :)
  6. erkz

    My Loader doens't work. Shockwave wont install. Try this.

    My Loader doens't work. Shockwave wont install. Try this.