Recent content by Eclecticlad

  1. Eclecticlad

    [Release] Hucci Bag Recolours

    Hey! The original bag looked ugly, so I recoloured and added some more choices. The exchangeable aspect still functions. Includes: 9 swfs, 9 icons, Catalogue and furni SQL inserts & Furnidata Screenshot: Download Link
  2. Eclecticlad

    Flash Browser for Habbo (Habflash)

    @Maatt - Is this still being worked on? If you would consider making this open source I think development would be a lot more rapid in time for the December 2020 deadline.
  3. Eclecticlad

    #DB10 - The Decade Retrospective

    As a relatively new user, I wanted to throw my two cents in. Only for the purpsoses of helping to retain new users like me. Despite the suggestion earlier in the thread, that new users who have differing opinions should not be commenting on how to change or improve DevBest. That attitude will...
  4. Eclecticlad

    LJW - Start of theme for BrainCMS (Constructive criticism needed)

    I would suggest changing the colour of your register and forgotten password button. Red is often associated with a negative action such as logout or delete and orange is often for a cautious action. Keeping the login green makes your primary action clear but could definitely consider a more...
  5. Eclecticlad

    Habbo's 20th Birthday

    Then you are who I remember, lol, hi o/
  6. Eclecticlad

    Habbo's 20th Birthday

    I also feel like I recognise that username. Maybe it’s false memory lol
  7. Eclecticlad

    Habbo's 20th Birthday

    I said username but I really meant name, Bran definitely sticks in my mind. Not even from being on Blah specifically but from around that time.
  8. Eclecticlad

    PlayStation 5 reveal

    Visually, I am getting enlarged WiFi router.
  9. Eclecticlad

    Habbo's 20th Birthday

    Can you remember your username at all? I definitely remember you, well your username from back in the day.
  10. Eclecticlad

    Habbo's 20th Birthday

    I joined on 25th of February 2010 under Hostay (so 10.5 years ago lol). I was also staff on Blah Hotel for a while under JamDoughnuts.