Recent content by Digits

  1. D

    Housekeeping not working

    PROBLEM SOLVED! Request for closure.
  2. D

    Housekeeping not working

    Ooh sorry! I am using RevCMS with the HabboExtreme Theme. Everything else is working. Just not the housekeeping so the CMS should be compatible right? :)
  3. D

    Housekeeping not working

    I tried editing tons of stuff but somehow my housekeeping is not working properly. I tried andy link like /ase/login and stafflogin/index and all that. I am using BcStorm, IIS, RevCMS and the HabboExtreme Theme. Also, i readded the theme and all like 1.000 times. Still not working... Please...
  4. D

    [Fixed] New Mystics furniture! Bcstorm/butterfly - Phoenix Sqls! [REL]

    [["mystics_gwall","Good Side Wall","Spread the goodness"]] [["mystics_bwall","Bad Side Wall","The evil is in the walls"]] [["mystics_gtree","Good Side Tree","Spread some life in Habbo."]] [["mystics_gbed","Good Side Sculpture","What mysterious power does this sculpture hold?"]]...
  5. D

    Get @ skype. --Erik

    Get @ skype. --Erik