Recent content by Deviant

  1. D

    [Help] Start creddits

    What CMS are you using?
  2. D

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    Are you gonna make it like the habbo theme, where staff pages and that will be under a community tab?
  3. D


    I tried it and the EMU closed straight away. Try if you want though.
  4. D


    No, i deleted all my habbo stuff until RevCMS 3.0 and RevEMU comes out
  5. D


    You need a diff DB, some db's have tables called fuserrights and subfuserights bu some don't so the one your using doesn't
  6. D

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]
  7. D

    Happy Birthday

    Haptay Birthtay :3
  8. D


    It's the config if you have one, i put .linkhere by accident and in the browser it came up with linkhere/indexlink/index
  9. D

    [Release] UberCMS Edit , Nyan Edition

    Half of the pages are missing?
  10. D

    Pre Hosted or Self Hosted SWFs

    Self hosted, add furni such as horses, get the latest habbo.swf.
  11. D

    Owned a guy on MSN

  12. D

    RevCMS 3.0 [PHP, MVC, Multi-Support]

    What do you mean, current feature? Also, Kyrptos, are there going to be more in the config file? There was quite a lot in Rev but it will make the hotel more editable.
  13. D

    [HELP] Setting Up SWF's

    No, have you edited SWFS, and page-client.tpl and Client?
  14. D

    Client Help

    Go to the main config file and at the bottom just above social networking stuff, there will be something about Voting, it should say kyrptos twice in them, edit both to your username and your retro top users username, then go to thehabbosapi and go to config and edit it in there
  15. D

    Will this code work? [PHP]

    Thanks, and then after that, i should start saying $config['Site']['Name'] = 'Habbo';