Recent content by ConnorMckail

  1. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    Thank you Calle!
  2. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    On find retros I don't upload a photo you put a link down
  3. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    That's so sweet! Are you able to upload to imgur for me and send me the link please!
  4. ConnorMckail

    [HELP] I need a FindRetros Banner?

    I need to post atleast 25 posts before I'm able to message people haha, add my Skype - connormckail
  5. ConnorMckail

    [HELP] I need a FindRetros Banner?

    That's for apologising man, yeah we're going through some issues the now, we need a pro dev ASAP haha, yeah I recently joined and didn't have a clue what I was doing.
  6. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    Hi calle, please visit my retro so you can check out our logo, i want the theme to basically go with my logo. Thanks! Hi calle, please visit my retro so you can check out our logo, i want the theme to basically go with my logo. Thanks! oh and yes...
  7. ConnorMckail

    Karma Hotel! New exciting Retro thats Just opened!

    sorry guys haha, i only posted it so i could get 3 posts up to be able to write links in an ad
  8. ConnorMckail

    Karma Hotel! New exciting Retro thats Just opened!

  9. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    HAHAHAHA Ill make sure to add that!:up:
  10. ConnorMckail

    Request Karma Hotel needs a banner!

    Hi Guys!, Karma hotel is a new and exciting retro that has recently opened. As we are climbing the findretros pages extremely fast due to our high user activity we need a new banner so we can look more professional compared to the hotels we are sitting with. if you could help us out please let...
  11. ConnorMckail

    [HELP] I need a FindRetros Banner?

    Hi, recently opened my hotel Karma, we are heading up the pages in FindRetros pretty quick due to high user activity, is there anyone out there that could help me out as i want to remain as professional as possible and my banner atm is not that professional. Thanks! Hotel name karmahotel
  12. ConnorMckail

    Post badges for other hotels

    Is there anyone that can make me a custom badge please? if so pmail me. thanks