Recent content by Cjozwiak93

  1. C

    Youtube Projector?

    Where are links added for this feature? O_O'
  2. C

    Avatars Not Loading

    I'm getting an error for figuremap.xml which indeed doesn't exist in my game folder.
  3. C

    Avatars Not Loading

    No. Avatar doesn't load anywherre in the hotel.
  4. C

    Avatars Not Loading

    Hey guys! I just recently got my own vps running but for some reason my avatars aren't loading properly. I've looked at my files to see if I wasn't linking something properly (I assume it still is this) but I can't find anything! Help, please! :(
  5. C

    Client loads just black.

    The developer console is telling me there's a syntax error on line 111:156. Does that mean 111 - 156 there's a missing )? Line 111: Client.addVariable("client.starting", "<?= $config['hotelName'] ?> is loading..."); Not seeing where the missing ) is O_O'
  6. C

    Client loads just black.

    <?php staffCheck(); Game::sso('client'); Game::homeRoom(); ?> <html> </body> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title><?= $config['hotelName'] ?> - Hotel</title> <script...
  7. C

    Client loads just black.

  8. C

    Client loads just black.

    Oh no, I have changed the setting. I've also tried multiple browsers. It just loads a black screen like it can't find the .swf file.
  9. C

    Client loads just black.

    No, No loading at all. Just black screen like flash isn't asking to be enabled at all. As if it's having problems finding the .swf file. I've switched flash to be enabled anywhere without asking and it still won't work.
  10. C

    Client loads just black.

    Hello all! I followed the DevBest video on youtube to a T or.. atleast I'm giving myself that illusion. Everything looks identical. Please help? External Vars: productdata.load.url=http://localhost/game/gamedata/productdata.txt...